Constantia is Vegan

Constantia Oomen has been a vegetarian since the age of 15 and a vegan since the age of 19.

Veganism is the personal practice of eliminating the use of non-human animal products

The American Vegan Society explains what Vegan is:

VEGANS (pronounced VEE-guns) Live on products of the plant kingdom.

Veganism is compassion in action. It is a philosophy, diet, and lifestyle.

Veganism is an advanced way of living in accordance with Reverence for Life, recognizing the rights of all living creatures, and extending to them the compassion, kindness, and justice exemplified in the Golden Rule.

Vegans exclude flesh, fish, fowl, dairy products (animal milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, etc.), eggs, honey, animal gelatin, and all other foods of animal origin.

Veganism also excludes animal products such as leather, wool, fur, and silk in clothing, upholstery, etc. Vegans usually make efforts to avoid the less-than-obvious animal oils, secretions, etc., in many products such as soaps, cosmetics, toiletries, household goods and other common commodities.

Reasons for Veganism:

An equitable, ethical relationship between human and other living creatures

The physiological human design

An enlightened concept of repairing and maintaining health

Practical solutions to the population explosion

Spiritual development

Source: American Vegan Society

Constantia is vegan because of her love of animals. She has always felt animals are the equals of people, (not so!) different, but equal. She firmly believes the vegan lifestyle will sustain the health of The Earth, unlike the omnivore lifestyle.

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