Tag Archives: Skeptic

Download Lion Hearts as blog book!

The Lion hearts blogs are long blogs, especially Part IV and Part V are sturdy bites (each good for around 16,000 words), and together they form one whole. That is why I have merged part I-VIII into one .pdf file. Admittedly, it is the avant-garde of a real publishers edition, but I still present you with satisfaction the blog book:

Lion Hearts I-VIII Blogbook!

> Lion Hearts-By Constantia Oomen (click for .pdf download) <

If something is unclear during viewing or reading, you can always fall back on the online version, for example for clicking links and viewing images.

Online Lion Hearts (click)

Download Leeuwenharten als blogboek!

De Leeuwenharten blogs zijn lange blogs, vooral deel IV en deel V zijn stevige bites (elk goed voor zo’n 16000 woorden), en samen vormen ze één geheel. Daarom heb ik deel I-VIII samengevoegd in één .pdf file. Toegegeven, het is de avant-garde van een echte uitgevers-editie, maar toch presenteer ik u met voldoening het blogboek:

Leeuwenharten I-VIII Blogboek!

> Leeuwenharten-Door Constantia Oomen (klik voor .pdf download) <

Mocht er nu iets onduidelijk zijn, of indien u toch echt de links in de tekst wilt kunnen aanklikken, afbeeldingen in het groot bekijken, enzovoort, dan kunt u altijd teruggrijpen op de online versie.

Online Leeuwenharten (klik)


Added on: 02/07/2017 09:02 pm

Dear visitor,

please note that all my blogs about Rob Nanninga are published on

Lion Hearts WordPress.


I am considering to publish this as a book in future (and so, yes, I expect to write some more parts).

If you know somebody who could help me publish this, feel free to contact me. Thank you.

Behind the scenes of Robbert van den Broeke

Added on: 07/28/2015 11:07 am


I have been following the whereabouts of Dutch ‘medium’ Robbert van den Broeke since 2004-2005. In between, you could already read about it in a previous blog. After Rob Nanninga’s passing (read previous blogs), things accelerated in a rapid pace, and then something awful happened: my computer and cell phone got hacked by Robbert van den Broeke’s alleged hacker. For people who have no idea what I’m talking about: not to worry, I’ll fill you in.

After initial shock, I realized, I had to describe the nasty life and times of Robbert van den Broeke and his closest buddy, and partner in crime, Stan Pluijmen in full detail, to inform and warn other people, but even this long blog I then wrote in about a week’s time, couldn’t cover it all . Still, I gave it a good shot. Long read:

Behind the scenes of Robbert van den Broeke
Achter de schermen bij Robbert van den Broeke (Dutch)